
Noise Sensitivity Tool for People With Autism (2023)

Noise Sensitivity Tool for People With Autism (2023)

Currently participating in interviews and co-design sessions to better understand what types of noise causes discomfort and what negative impacts it has on people on the autism spectrum.

Virtual Science Lab (2022)

Virtual Science Lab (2022)

Designed and implemented an educational science lab in a VR environment to provide an effective learning aid for students in rural areas and to support their remote and collaborative science experiments.

Netflix Content Analysis (2021)

Netflix Content Analysis (2021)

Analyzed the Netflix content data to distinguish the types of content included in the Netflix repository and suggested business insights. In this process, a data warehouse was implemented using the Netflix data originated from Kaggle.

Mixed Reality Newspaper (2021)

Mixed Reality Newspaper (2021)

Implemented a MR newspaper using Microsoft Hololens to allow seniors to read digital news on an analog newspaper in real time. The advantages of physical newspapers (natural tangibility and inherent physical flexibility) and digital newspapers (allow users to view dynamic multimedia content) were combined.